Over the past eight years, this immersive residential workshop has been proven to be a breeding ground for valuable content and an inspiring think-tank providing bonding opportunities and an in-depth learning experience for film professionals who have a concrete interest in Asia. 

The Lab will engage with multiple Asian film institutions and invite prominent Asian producers and tutors.

By attending the Lab, the participants will not only have the opportunity to gain an insight into the latest trends of the Asian film and television market, but also to establish valuable professional relationships for their upcoming projects.



Project participants

Several projects (fiction features or TV series of any genre including animation) with an Asian angle will be selected. The projects will serve as case studies during the Lab to analyze their feasibility in interacting with the local market from the content and financial point of view. Project representatives should be experienced producer with a proven track record.

Industry participants & lab alumni without projects

A limited number of experienced film professionals wishing to enhance their know-how on collaborating with Asia such as China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore will be selected. Previous Lab participants are welcomed to apply to keep their knowledge on this specific area updated.

Bridging the Dragon members

Bridging the Dragon's members are welcomed to join. In case of space limitation, members will be given special priority.



Applications are now closed.


With the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union